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Conduct of CHW Training
Conduct of CHW Training
The second 10 days training session for CHWs of the BHCs covered and support by Union Aid has started today in Rabia Balkhi Training Center b...

Conduct of IMNCI Training for the Kabul BHCs
IMNCI Training conducted for Kabul BHCs
The IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonatal & Childhood Illness) training conducted for 6 days at the Union Aid main off...

Conduct of 6 days refresher training
The 6 Days refresher training conducted for the fix vaccinators of the BHCs covered by Union Aid Balkh Health project.

Receive of SUPER CEREAL Packages from WFP
Union Aid/Balkh recieved SUPER CEREAL from WFP, this food items will be supplied for the BHCs under support of the UA in Mazar-e-Sharif.

The field staff associated with the Emergency Response Team operating under the MI and DAHW) projects were deployed to Herat
the field staff associated with the Emergency Response Team operating under the MI and DAHW) projects were deployed to Herat. Their primary objectives include execution...
Orientation sessions for the Malteser International-funded project
Orientation sessions for the Malteser International-funded project, "Emergency Relief Assistance for the Earthquake Affected Families in Herat Province, Afghanistan," w...